Forest management and land uses
This course provides an overview of SFM and FC. Trainees should have a common understanding of the concept of SFM and FC, relevant international and Vietnam legal framework and context. Information on the status, opportunities, and challenges of implementation of SFM and FC, and general knowledge of role of forests for decision making and planning. Main content including:
- Introduction of SFM; the bio-ecological, economic, and social principles underlying forest management strategies;
- Introduction of forest certification, forest certification systems.
- Relavant international legal framework (ILO, CBD, Stochkhom, CITES …) and Vietnamese regulation (Forestry Law 2017, Degree 156, VPA FLEGT, Circular 28/2018, Decision 1288…).
- Current situation, opportunities and challenges in the current context, and tasks for forest managers.
This course provides knowledge of forest inventory (both natural and planted forests), including:
- Objective of forest inventory;
- Forest classification (by origin, forest types, forest volume/yield, site condition…);
- Sampling and transects design, establishment of sample plots (temporary and permanent) and transects in the forests;
- Preparation for inventory (equiptment, map…)
- Forest survey and inventory methods (timber tree, regeneration, NTFP…);
- Tree measurement (DBH, Height…);
- Data analysis and reporting;
- Practice on the field of design and inventory of sample plots
Provide knowledge on creating and updating maps needed for development of SFM plan and implementation:
- Objective of creating and updating maps;
- Types of maps needed for development and implementation of SFM plan.
- Map creation and map update methods (application of remote sensing, GIS, ground survey with GPS…); technical contents of each type of map (format, technical specification, scale, layout…)
- Extraction of information from maps (area, attributes, data…).
- Practice on the field to check and delineate some specialized information layers.
Provide knowledge about nature conservation, particularly biodiversity and high conservation value forest (HCVF), including habitats and corridors along water courses (lake, stream…) as considered ‘buffer zone’. Some main contents:
- International and Vietnamese regulations protected species;
- Techniques of biodiversity survey;
- Methods of HCVF assessment;
- Classification and identification of important forest species, including natural distribution and ecological characteristics;
- Development of a conservation plan which includes mapping of major habitats associated with important species (Rare, Endangered & Threatened species = RET); major threats and activities to prevent or mitigate these threats;
- Practice on the field of biodiversity surveys, HCV surveys, identification of some important species.
This course introduces information and knowledge on development of a forest management plan in a sustainable manner and in line with legal requirements in SFM, including:
- Objective of SFM plan;
- Regulations on development of SFM plan (Circular no. 28/2018 of MARD);
- Data needed for development of SFM plan;
- Stakeholder consultation in development of SFM plan;
- Activities identified for SFM plan;
- Annual allowance cut (AAC);
- Budgeting;
- Risk assessment and management;
- Procedure of approval of SFM plan;
- Implementation of SFM plan;
- Monitoring and assessment of SFM plan implementation
- Doing exercise, practicing on the field and develop a SFM plan related to the content mentioned above