Overview of training curriculum

Curriculum provides comprehensive knowledge in 7 profile lines, including:

1. Forest certification: In general charge of sustainable forest management and certification of the unit, development of quality management processes, techniques, monitoring and evaluation, chain of custody (CoC). This profile line contain following courses: FM01, FM05, FM06, FM13, FM15, FM16, FM17, FM18 

2. Forest resource and land use: Provides knowledge and skills related to Forest inventory, land use survey, mapping, site survey. This profile line contain following courses: FM01, FM02, FM03, FM04, FM15 

3. Environment and biodiversity: Provides knowledge and skills related to Biodiversity (survey, evaluation, conservation of animals, plants), HCVF, forest protection (pests and diseases, forest fires), environment (chemicals, waste management, soil erosion), ecology. This profile line contain following courses: FM01, FM04, FM05, FM07, FM08, FM09, FM10, FM11, FM12, FM16, FM17 

4. Social issues: Provides knowledge and skills related to Work safety, labor management, training, community relations, complaint and dispute resolution, stakeholder consultation. This profile line contain following courses: FM01, FM06, FM13, FM16, FM17

5. Forest operator: Provides knowledge and skills related to Harvesting operations (designing, felling, skidding, road construction and maintenance), silvicultural techniques (planting, tending, thinning, etc.), nursery management, and seedlings production. This profile line contain following courses: FM01, FM07, FM08, FM09, FM10, FM11, FM12, FM17

6. SFM planning: Provides knowledge about activities related to Forest management planning with general knowledge about forestry economics, silviculture, forestry laws and policies, markets. This profile line contain following courses: FM01, FM03, M08, FM09, FM14, FM15, FM16

7. Monitoring and Evaluation: Provides knowledge about Mornitoring and evaluation of all forestry activities, business, finance, CoC, etc.  This profile line contain following courses: FM01, FM02, FM03, FM04, FM05, FM06, FM14, FM15, FM16, FM17, FM18.

Profile linesTotal of coursesTraining unitsHours
Forest certification8 45180
Forest resource and land use536144
Environment and biodiversity1169276
Social issues525100
Forest operator849196
SFM planning748192
Monitoring and Evaluation1177308

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