This course provides an overview of SFM and FC. Trainees should have a common understanding of the concept of SFM and FC, relevant international and Vietnam legal framework and context. Information on the status, opportunities, and challenges of implementation of SFM and FC, and general knowledge of role of forests for decision making and planning. Main content including:
- Introduction of SFM; the bio-ecological, economic, and social principles underlying forest management strategies;
- Introduction of forest certification, forest certification systems.
- Relavant international legal framework (ILO, CBD, Stochkhom, CITES …) and Vietnamese regulation (Forestry Law 2017, Degree 156, VPA FLEGT, Circular 28/2018, Decision 1288…).
- Current situation, opportunities and challenges in the current context, and tasks for forest managers.
Provides knowledge and regulations related to communities when conducting forestry activities:
- Identifying local communities in surrounding areas with details of their interests;
- Method of social impact assessment (SIA);
- Benefit sharing between forest management unit and these communities;
- Potential conflicts raised from forestry activities (such as road construction, land tenure, water uses) and solutions;
- Method of stakeholder consultation when conducting environmental and social assessment;
- Practicing on the field on the method of social impact assessment, consultation methods for stakeholders.
- Practice EIA and SIA
Providing information and knowledge of ILO conventions and related labor law and regulations of Vietnam to ensure occupational health and safety to workers when implementing forestry activities:
- Labour safety regulations related to forestry activities;
- Risk assessment related to different activities (Safety & Health in Forestry Work)
- Occupational safety in forestry activities including seedling production, afforestation, timber harvesting, timber transportation, timber processing
- First aid techniques on the context of accidents;
- Use of chemical, pesticides and fertilizers in forestry activities
Provide knowledge on planning of monitoring and evaluation (M&E), techniques of M&E for the development, adjustment, and monitoring of SFM plan. M&E must include all activities and aspects, including chain of custody (CoC). The course should include following themes:
- Requirement of M&E;
- Definition/identification of the indicators;
- M&E planning;
- Data collection methods and tools;
- Data analysis (evaluation);
- Integrating M&E result in adjustment/updating of the plan;
- Publicise the M&E result;
- Doing exercises and practicing on the field about monitoring and evaluation of SFM plan implementation.
Provide knowledge and information about forest certification (FC) and some important FC systems such as FSC, PEFC:
- Information of forest certification (context, historic development, benefits, structure of a FC system…);
- PEFC, FSC and national FC systems including standards of forest management (FM), chain of custody (CoC) and group certification (FM and CoC);
- Procedure of certification;
- Certification fee;
- Auditing techniques, certification reports, interpretation of reports, Corrective Action Request (CAR);
- Environmental impact assessment & Social impact assessment (EIA & SIA), high conservation value forest assessment (HCVF), Stakeholder consultation, the right to free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) concept and practice
- Common Non-Conformities found during auditing process in Vietnam; corrective actions and closing experiences;
- Chain of custody (CoC);
- Survey and practice (some activities of auditors; forestry production activities, environmental impact assessment).