Sustainable Forest Management PlanNING
This course provides an overview of SFM and FC. Trainees should have a common understanding of the concept of SFM and FC, relevant international and Vietnam legal framework and context. Information on the status, opportunities, and challenges of implementation of SFM and FC, and general knowledge of role of forests for decision making and planning. Main content including:
- Introduction of SFM; the bio-ecological, economic, and social principles underlying forest management strategies;
- Introduction of forest certification, forest certification systems.
- Relavant international legal framework (ILO, CBD, Stochkhom, CITES …) and Vietnamese regulation (Forestry Law 2017, Degree 156, VPA FLEGT, Circular 28/2018, Decision 1288…).
- Current situation, opportunities and challenges in the current context, and tasks for forest managers.
Provide knowledge on creating and updating maps needed for development of SFM plan and implementation:
- Objective of creating and updating maps;
- Types of maps needed for development and implementation of SFM plan.
- Map creation and map update methods (application of remote sensing, GIS, ground survey with GPS…); technical contents of each type of map (format, technical specification, scale, layout…)
- Extraction of information from maps (area, attributes, data…).
- Practice on the field to check and delineate some specialized information layers.
Provide knowledge on silviculture concepts and techniques for natural forests in accordance with current regulations.
- Basic principles (ecological and economic) and methods of forest rehabilitation and forest enrichment to meet defined forest management objectives (timber production, NTFP, PES, ecotourism…);
- Regulations on silviculture techniques for natural forests
- Assisted natural regeneration: Identification of target saplings, canopy opening, tending of saplings …
- Enrichment planting, including tree species selection (knowledge on ecological demands and growth potential of relevant tree species), site preparation and planting, methods of underplanting;
- Natural forest enrichment based on principles and advanced methods of controlling growth and quality of forest to meet defined management objectives;
- Field practice on the techniques of assisted natural regeneration and enrichment plantin.
Provide knowledge on silviculture concepts and techniques for plantation forests in accordance with current regulation:
- Basic principles (ecological and economic) and methods of planting, tending and nurturing forests to meet defined objectives (timber production, NTFP, PES, ecotourism…);
- Regulations on silviculture techniques for plantation forests
- Site classification, site-species matching;
- Species selection for different purpose;
- Site preparation, tree planting;
- Tending, fertilising, pruning, and thinning;
- Economic and ecological aspects of plantation forest, Agro-forestry systems;
- Field practice on those techniques
This course provides basic knowledge of economic, financial and market analysis to develop a business plan:
- Economic analysis;
- Financial analysis;
- Market analysis (national and international market for timber, NTFPs, PES…);
- Development of a business plan;
- Practice exercises to build a business plan for a forestry enterprise.
This course introduces information and knowledge on development of a forest management plan in a sustainable manner and in line with legal requirements in SFM, including:
- Objective of SFM plan;
- Regulations on development of SFM plan (Circular no. 28/2018 of MARD);
- Data needed for development of SFM plan;
- Stakeholder consultation in development of SFM plan;
- Activities identified for SFM plan;
- Annual allowance cut (AAC);
- Budgeting;
- Risk assessment and management;
- Procedure of approval of SFM plan;
- Implementation of SFM plan;
- Monitoring and assessment of SFM plan implementation
- Doing exercise, practicing on the field and develop a SFM plan related to the content mentioned above
Provide knowledge on planning of monitoring and evaluation (M&E), techniques of M&E for the development, adjustment, and monitoring of SFM plan. M&E must include all activities and aspects, including chain of custody (CoC). The course should include following themes:
- Requirement of M&E;
- Definition/identification of the indicators;
- M&E planning;
- Data collection methods and tools;
- Data analysis (evaluation);
- Integrating M&E result in adjustment/updating of the plan;
- Publicise the M&E result;
- Doing exercises and practicing on the field about monitoring and evaluation of SFM plan implementation.